Joint Federal Committee/G-BA
Berlin – The Innovation Committee of the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) recommended transferring three completed projects to standard care. O Innovation Committee now forwards project results to responsible institutions with the question of to what extent the results can be used to improve care.
Specifically, it concerns the project AMSeCin which researchers developed a mathematical model that can be used to study the effectiveness of booster vaccinations against meningococci.
The Innovation Committee now forwards the results achieved in the project to the office of the Permanent Vaccination Committee (STIKO) advance. We ask that you verify that the results can be usefully used to develop vaccination recommendations.
In the project REDARE Offers of support were tested for practices proven to promote guideline-based antibiotic prescribing for uncomplicated urinary tract infections.
The conclusions reached in the project will be passed on to the associations of health and nursing insurance funds at the federal level, as well as to the regional associations and the legal associations of health insurance, as well as to the German Society for General and Family Medicine. Medicine (DEGAM) forwarded. They are asked to examine the extent to which the study’s findings can be taken into account in contractual agreements and quality improvement measures.
The project ZSE DUO tested a dual pilot structure in rare disease centers – consisting of a somatic specialist and a psychiatric or psychosomatic specialist. These guides accompany patients in clarifying the disease and aim to improve diagnosis and care.
The conclusions reached in the project will be passed on to the associations of health insurance and nursing care funds at federal level, as well as the German Hospital Association (DKG) and the University Hospitals Association (DVU) forwarded.
They should examine the extent to which new care approaches can be meaningfully implemented in the development of new and existing contractual arrangements for the coordinated diagnosis and treatment of people with complex and unclear symptoms and suspected rare diseases. At the same time, the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG) the results of the project. You must check whether the results can be legally represented. © hil/sb/