Researcher whose work may have created COVID is STILL receiving $50m in US Government grants – and he’s found ANOTHER virus in bats

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Written By Rivera Claudia

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A research group whose work is feared to have started the Covid pandemic is being funded by the US Government to do similar experiments in other parts of the world.

Public records show EcoHealth Alliance has received nearly $50million in US taxpayer money since 2020 for projects that include capturing bats, pangolins and other animals to find new and dangerous viruses in remote parts of the world.

The projects — some of which involve experimenting with novel viruses in laboratories — are due to run until up to August 2027.

It comes despite the FBI and a growing number of scientists ruling that an accidental lab leak in Wuhan was the likely source of the Covid pandemic.

EcoHealth was part of a research project believed by many to be involved in the release of Covid in 2019. It saw researchers hunt for new bat coronaviruses and manipulate them at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

The above shows the grants awarded to EcoHealth Alliance from the US Government that are currently active

Former President Donald Trump canceled that project and pulled EcoHealth’s funding — but the group continues to operate in swathes of Asia.

One of its active grants is a $6million project to investigate coronaviruses in bats in Myanmar, Laos, Philippines and other parts of the South East.

Titled ‘Analyzing the potential for future bat coronavirus emergence in [Asia]’, it is similar to the grant thought to have started the Covid pandemic.

A separate $6million grant titled ‘Understanding risk of Zoonotic Virus Emergence in Hotspots of Southeast Asia’ has already led to the discovery of a never-before-seen virus in bats in Thailand which the researchers said had ‘almost’ as much potential as Covid to infect humans.

Experts today warned that continuing to fund EcoHealth was ‘reckless’.

Republican congressmen are demanding agencies — including the National Institutes of Health and Department of Defense — cut off funding for the virus-research organization.

Dr Peter Daszak (pictured left alongside Dr Anthony Fauci) is behind EcoHealth Alliance at the center of concerns over the origins of Covid

Dr Peter Daszak (pictured left alongside Dr Anthony Fauci) is behind EcoHealth Alliance at the center of concerns over the origins of Covid

The website for federal grants shows EcoHealth Alliance currently has 11 active grants with the National Institutes of Health (NIH)— worth a total value of $46million. 

Almost all were signed after the Covid pandemic emerged — with two worth $4.5million signed off as recently as 2022.

The grant to find viruses in Asia received a further $600,000 in 2023 to allow it to continue its research. 

Other grants included a $2.2million grant to capture  mice, rats and shrews in Tanzania and test them for Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever — which has a fatality rate of approximately 30 percent.

And a $4.9million grant to search for Nipah and Ebola-like viruses — which have a fatality rate of up to 90 percent — in two southern regions of India.

EcoHealth Alliance claims the research is essential for revealing pathogens which could potentially cause a pandemic.

Critics say they do the opposite – and raise the risk of lab accidents.

Dr Richard Ebright, a virologist at Rutgers University in New Jersey, told ‘The US taxpayer is funding recklessness.

‘EcoHealth Alliance is currently is receiving $50million in NIH and Department of Defense grants for the same types of reckless research that likely caused the present pandemic.’

Republican Congressman from Arizona, Paul Gosar, asked agencies to explain last month why they are still funding EcoHealth Alliance’s work.

He said: ‘EcoHealth Alliance does not deserve any taxpayer support after what happened in Wuhan and its years of empty promises of predicting and preventing pandemics and instead probably causing one.

‘It’s disgraceful that Government agencies continue to give tens of millions of taxpayer dollars to the group that’s responsible for funneling Fauci’s federal money to the CCP-controlled Wuhan Institute of Virology for risky gain-of-function research that started a pandemic.

‘The agencies responsible for this wasteful spending must be held accountable.’

A spokesman for Rep. Gosar said they are still yet to receive a response from the agencies awarding grants.

Dr Peter Daszak (left) has been accused of bullying other scientists into writing off the lab leak theory despite emerging evidence. Pictured: Dr Daszak speaks to police when approached by a DailyMail,com reporter at his home in Suffern, New York

Dr Peter Daszak (left) has been accused of bullying other scientists into writing off the lab leak theory despite emerging evidence. Pictured: Dr Daszak speaks to police when approached by a DailyMail,com reporter at his home in Suffern, New York

EcoHealth Alliance had its funding pulled and projects to find viruses in China canceled due to concerns about its ties to the lab leak theory previously. 

Overall, it has received 37 grants from the US Government with a total value of $80million — dating back to 2002.

It has also received nine contracts — with a total value of $10million — four loans — totalling around $2million — and a direct payment of $2,000.

Its biggest grant — renewed again in 2021 — cost the US Government $11million, with the funds put toward conservation work in Liberia.

Pressure has been mounting on dangerous virus research in the wake of the Covid pandemic with officials shutting down DEEP VZN — pronounced deep vision — in September to avoid funding hunting for new viruses.

While the research was meant to prevent human outbreaks and pandemics, critics including Biden administration officials, were afraid it could do the opposite.

The project was meant to run until 2026.

Dr Daszak revealed to the World Health Organization (WHO) recently that he had found a never-before-seen virus in bats. 

Speaking at the WHO conference, he said: ‘We found a lot of SARS-related coronaviruses, but one in particular we found was quite common in bats where people were commonly exposed.’

The virus — which was not named — was found in a cave in Thailand frequented by farmers who use the rich guano, bat feces, within as fertilizer for their crops. 

Dr Daszak and NIH have been contacted for comment. 


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