The Conference of Health Ministers begins: Hospital and…

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Written By Kampretz Bianca

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Berlin – The 16 health ministers of the federal states will meet at the health ministers’ conference starting tomorrow (GMK) in Lübeck-Travemünde to discuss the two topics in an evening chat with a “hospital reform debate” and emergency reform. This can be seen in the meeting agendas and the so-called fireside chat, which… German medical journal dated May 28th.

Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) will also participate in this meeting. The fireside chat is a more confidential environment in which there are no speakers or ministerial staff present.

In addition to hospital reform and the new approach to emergency reform, it should also be about the social security obligation for emergency room doctors. This topic is brought forward from this year’s Schleswig-Holstein state presidency. This year’s GMK president, Kerstin von der Decken (CDU), had already spoken a few weeks ago at the reception of the Association of Replacement Funds (vdek) in Berlin made it known that they wanted quick changes to the law from the federal government. The state of Berlin will also bring the topic of cybersecurity in medical practices into confidential discussions.

More funding is needed for the public health service

The agenda for discussions tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will include other health policy topics, including the requirement for all countries to further develop the public health service pact beyond 2027.

The pact, which was concluded during the corona pandemic and also contributed to strengthening the ÖGD staff, expires at the end of 2026. A joint approach between the federal and state governments for additional funding is recommended. The states also talk about strengthening the ÖGD with regard to “bioterrorism threats”.

The states apparently also want to present a joint resolution to speed up the process of recognizing foreign-trained doctors. Saarland and North Rhine-Westphalia also want to discuss the possibility of completing medical or pharmaceutical training started in a third country in Germany in the future.

The states also want to discuss cannabis model regions in Travemünde, as well as the abolition of accompanied consumption of alcohol from the age of 14.

Every year, the 16 health ministers and senators meet for a face-to-face conference in the respective presiding country. There are also demonstrations at the site every year: this year, among others, the Verdi union announced a demonstration. From the union’s point of view, health policy has deviated from the right direction in recent years, Verdi announced in Kiel today.

Instead of providing the best possible care, it’s about maximizing profits. Under the motto “Put health on track”, Verdi wants to accompany the conference and hold a rally in Lübeck tomorrow. The SPD also supports the union in its demands for good working conditions. Health Minister von der Decken must urgently advocate binding, needs-based staffing ratios, emphasized Schleswig-Holstein SPD parliamentary group leader Serpil Midyatli. © bee/cmk/

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