Aroma massage | relaxation with exotic aromas |

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Written By Rivera Claudia

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One of the most enjoyable ways to enjoy this combination is with an aromatic massage. Flowers, fruits, leaves and roots provide high-quality, fine essential oils and purely plant-based aromatic essences. Aromatic oil massage is a full-body therapy in which essential oils selected according to your personal needs are gently massaged into the skin. The pure, natural ingredients penetrate deep into the skin layers and stimulate the nervous, blood and lymphatic systems, where they have an invigorating, stimulating, anti-inflammatory, calming and concentration-enhancing effect.

Through relaxing music with Asian sounds, familiar or exotic aromas and lively but gentle massage touches, three of the senses are stimulated, through which a gentle metabolic activation of the whole body and a deep relaxation of the psyche are achieved. A deep mental balance and relaxation is created, which allows you to quickly forget about everyday life and experience a state of complete harmony of body, mind and soul.

Existing blockages are released and the body returns to balance. Massage with aromatic oils is for people who love and want to experience sensuality.

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