Bicycle and e-bike recalls: there is a risk with these two-wheeled vehicles

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Written By Kampretz Bianca

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Not all bikes are as safe as many pedelecs in our latest e-bike tests. Since a bicycle consists of countless parts from different suppliers, quality or safety problems regularly arise. This means providers are forced to cancel models.

Stiftung Warentest has reported such recalls in the past. Below we provide an overview of the warnings we publish about unsafe bicycle and e-bike models, components and accessories for two-wheeled vehicles.

Another important note: if an accident occurs due to a product defect, the manufacturer must pay damages and compensation despite the recall. Liability is only eliminated if he can prove that the accident victims were aware of the recall and continued driving anyway. Details on this can be found in our article Product Liability: When Manufacturers Are Liable for Defective Products.

Recalls of e-bikes and e-bike components

Bicycle and bicycle component recalls

Bicycle accessory recalls

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