First nursing representative in Berlin temporarily in office

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Written By Kampretz Bianca

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Berlin. There is now a nursing representative in Berlin. However, Sinja H. Meyer-Rötz will only take on the role temporarily, the nursing administration announced on Tuesday. The newly created position will only begin in September. But the pressure to act is high, which is why the position is already being filled provisionally, explained spokeswoman Dörthe Arnold. According to her profile on Linkedin, Meyer-Rötz is responsible for measures to expand the municipal infrastructure for nursing administration care.

The nursing representative is the contact person for those in need of care and their families. “Among other things, it defends the interests of the target group through the active work of the committee,” the administration said. The commissioner’s office will begin operating on September 1st. “From now on, those in need of care and their families can contact the Care Representative’s office with general complaints and concerns that are not among them.” A daily telephone consultation is planned. Relevant contact details would be published in a timely manner. Independent support for those in need of care

In April, the police and firefighters had to help

“In Berlin, we need a point of contact for those in need of care and caring family members, which is independent of the care industry. I am pleased that, by establishing the position of nursing representative, we are creating a path to greater visibility and giving a strong voice to the interests of these people”, explained nursing senator Ina Czyborra (SPD).

The tasks of the nursing representative include an annual report to the Berlin House of Representatives. The goal is to draw attention to problem areas. According to management, Meyer-Rötz is “doing preparatory work” until the position is finally filled. This included the creation of the office and discussions with stakeholders across the care landscape and interest groups.

According to the administration, there are more than 185 thousand people in need of care living in Berlin. In April there was a nursing home because staff shortage mobilization of the police and fire department. The responsible company then appointed a new home management and a new nursing service management. (dpa)

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