Healing effects of lavender | Gesundheit-Aktuell.de

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Written By Rivera Claudia

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Lavender is a perennial subshrub 0.5–1 m tall. Its leaves are linear to lanceolate. Young leaves are blue-gray and soft tomentose. Older leaves turn green. The flowers are purple pseudo-spikes on a long stalk. They have a floral and balsamic scent. In total, more than 160 components have been found in lavender. The main components are essential oil, tannins, flavonoids, sterols, coumarins, glycosides, saponins and resins.

The flowers, including the calyxes and the essential oil obtained from them, are harvested shortly before they bloom and are used medicinally. Lavender has a antiseptic, calming, diuretic and antispasmodic healing effect and is used internally and externally in natural medicine for asthma, heart problems, coughs, poor circulation, migraines, nervous weakness and inflamed wounds.

True lavender flowers contain an essential oil with a high proportion of linalool and linalyl acetate, as well as a small proportion of 1,8-cineole and camphor. Spiköl, the essential oil of Großer Speik, contains very little linalyl acetate, but is characterized by a high content of cineole and camphor. In addition to a high content of linalool and linalyl acetate, lavandin oil from the lavandin hybrid also has higher amounts of camphor and cineole. The flowers also contain lamiaceae tannins and phenolic carboxylic acids.

Taken internally, preparations made with real lavender flowers or lavender oil are recommended for nervous restlessness and sleep disorders. Lavender is also used to treat functional upper abdominal problems and nervous and irritable stomachs.

Due to its high cineole content, lavender oil is used to treat respiratory diseases such as bronchitis. True lavender oil also plays an important role in aromatherapy, while spiking oil and lavender oil are mainly used in the cosmetics and perfume industry.

Lavender has long been used as an additive in washing and bath waters. Applied externally as a bath, lavender flowers are suitable for treating circulatory problems related to the nervous system. Linings with lavender flowers are said to have an analgesic effect on rheumatic diseases.

Last but not least, lavender flowers or leaves are mainly used in Mediterranean cuisine as a seasoning for both sweet and savory dishes.

The scent of lavender is calming and cleansing and has a healing effect on people in many ways. It is particularly helpful for restless babies and their problems. A lavender pillow can work wonders here.

In times of overstimulation with frequent consequences such as stress, anxiety or depression, it is important for personal well-being to balance the alternation between tension and relaxation, as well as work and rest. In this sense, lavender with its relaxing effect can be an invigorating pleasure in the form of essential oil, bath additive, tincture or tea, in a herbal pillow but also as an aromatic herb.

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