Federal Ministry of Health cannot open cybersecurity vacancies…

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Written By Rivera Claudia

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/image alliance, Westend61, Gary Waters

Berlin – The Federal Ministry of Health (BMG) has problems with massive vacancies in the IT security sector. Given that the ministry has not yet managed to adequately fill the vacant positions, it is examining above-standard salaries for IT specialists.

The shortage of skilled workers in the IT sector is clearly visible in BMG: How the ministry responded to the request of the German medical journal explains, 75.75 percent of cybersecurity positions at BMG and associated divisional authorities are currently vacant. At the start of the year, only 2.74 of the 11.3 full-time positions were filled.

“Recruitment of IT personnel is a growing challenge for all ministries, as the shortage of skilled workers is particularly visible here and there is a particularly competitive situation between the private sector and the public service,” emphasizes a ministry spokeswoman.

In addition, there have been problems with recruitment in the past: due to the small number of applicants, not all of whom were formally suitable, as well as short-term cancellations before employment, positions could not be filled despite a corresponding advertisement. In some cases, the same positions had to be advertised several times.

BMG is therefore considering attracting qualified and better-paid specialists. In order to make the positions more attractive, the company is currently examining which flexibility options the public service collective agreement (TVöD) offers in the case of recruitment.

Paragraph 16 of the TVöD stipulates that, in order to cover staffing requirements or to retain qualified specialists, employees may receive in advance, in whole or in part, a salary up to two levels higher, which is not in accordance with the classification in the collective agreement.

If employees have already reached the highest level, they may also receive wages above this level under these conditions. According to the collective agreement, this amount is calculated from the salary of the highest level plus 20% of the second level of the respective salary band. These allowances may also be granted for a limited period of time. © lau/aerzteblatt.de

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