Many concerns about the SPD proposal on family caregivers

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Written By Kampretz Bianca

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Erfurt – An initiative by the Thuringian SPD to improve the situation of family caregivers was rejected in the state parliament outside the Social Democratic parliamentary group. The SPD proposal is “completely disconnected from reality”, said CDU social politician Christoph Zippel during a plenary debate today in Erfurt.

It’s not at all affordable to hire people from a national company who, for example, take care of parents who need care at home, says Zippel.

The SPD proposes to employ up to 500 family caregivers in a national company as part of a model project and pay them 1,400 euros net per month for their full-time care work.

Because they work in a state-owned company, they should be protected financially and socially, explained SPD health policy Cornelia Klisch. “As part of the model experiment, which will be carried out in the next legislature, we will employ up to 500 family caregivers,” said Klisch.

Criticism of this also came from the left. With a model project like the one proposed by the SPD, only a small proportion of family caregivers would be helped, said Ralf Plötner, a member of the Left Party in the state parliament. This is inappropriate. The German care system needs to be fundamentally reformed. © dpa/

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