Berlin. Most United Nations member states recognize Palestine as a state – Germany is not one of them. A large proportion of German citizens are against recognition.
According to a poll, the majority of Germans are against recognizing Palestine as a separate state at this time. This is the result of a Forsa search for “Stern”. Thus, half of Germans (50 percent) are against recognition, 38 percent are in favor and 12 percent do not dare to make an assessment.
Spain, Ireland and Norway announced last week that they would recognize Palestine as a state this Tuesday. The federal government supports a two-state solution in principle, but rejects the measure at this time.
Most United Nations member states now recognize Palestine as a state. However, this does not apply to the most influential Western nations such as the USA and Great Britain, as well as most EU countries.
For the representative survey, 1,004 people were interviewed by telephone on May 22nd and 23rd.
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