Saxony-Anhalt: FDP MP criticizes Ministry of Health

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Written By Kampretz Bianca

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Konstantin Pott/image alliance, dpa, Sebastian Willnow

Magdeburg/Bernburg – In connection with the restructuring of an emergency room in Bernburg (Salzlandkreis), the FDP state parliamentary group criticized the SPD-led Ministry of Health. The local population needs alternatives quickly, health policy spokesman Konstantin Pott said today German press agency.

Hospital operator Ameos has started restructuring in the Salzland district. The emergency room in Bernburg was supposed to focus exclusively on neurological emergencies. Emergencies in the areas of surgery and internal medicine will be handled in other locations.

In response to his short question, the ministry would only mention “vague outpatient structures” as an alternative, rather than concrete solutions, Pott said. “I appeal to the Minister of Health, Grimm-Benne, to take clear and concrete measures quickly.”

The Ministry of Health responded to Pott’s short question: “What the hospital operator’s announcement about the emergency room means for the internal medicine and surgery wards included in the Bernburg hospital plan cannot yet be predicted based on the information currently available.”

It remains to be analyzed whether and to what extent the closure of emergency rooms can be compensated by outpatient facilities on site. “Emergency services sometimes have to travel longer to the nearest suitable hospital in case of surgical and internal emergencies.”

Pott described these statements as “disappointingly evasive.” He is also of the opinion that “Ameos’ actions at this time are not legally compliant. The ministry should also look into this quickly.” Saxony-Anhalt is governed by a coalition of CDU, SPD and FDP.

There are currently 44 hospitals in the country with a total of 53 locations. Many hospitals are under financial pressure. They complain that their costs are rising significantly more than the revenue they receive from health insurance companies for treating patients. Furthermore, the number of cases has fallen compared to the period before the corona pandemic. © dpa/

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