Stomach flu, vomiting, diarrhea, gastroenteritis – whatever you call it, the disease is the nightmare of many parents in particular. Children often bring the infectious disease home from daycare – and also pass it on to their parents. Children under five and seniors over 70 are particularly affected, writes Das Robert Koch Institute (RKI) (external link). The figures are collected using reporting data from the Infection Protection Act (IfSG).
Norovirus diseases are therefore the predominant cause of acute gastroenteritis outbreaks in community settings, hospitals and nursing homes. One-third of all nonbacterial gastrointestinal illnesses in children are caused by noroviruses. In adults, these pathogens are responsible for half of nonbacterial illnesses.
How can you get infected with norovirus?
Noroviruses spread through swab infections—that is, through the feces or vomit of sick people. One gram of feces can contain 10 billion viruses. Just 10 to 100 viruses are enough to infect a person. So a gram like that has a lot of potential. If you touch contaminated surfaces or clean up vomit from someone who is sick, you can quickly become infected. That’s why hygiene measures like washing your hands well the best way to avoid infection.
Virus-containing droplets that spread when you vomit, for example, can also cause infections. Direct person-to-person transmission explains the very rapid spread of infection in communal settings or at festivals – like in April at the Stuttgart Spring Festival or in July in Lake Garda.
Noroviruses also spread through food
However, infections can also come from contaminated food. Frozen vegetables and fruits, for example, are crunchy, fresh and very rich in it is frozen straight from the field. In addition to vitamins, noroviruses can also survive low temperatures. If contamination with norovirus occurs during harvesting and further processing, it can spread through food. For example, infections caused by frozen raspberries are always in the headlines. One sick employee and poor hygiene are enough to spread the viruses.
In addition to noroviruses, bacteria such as: Campylobacter, Salmonella, Listeria It is Ehc occur in frozen foods.
What symptoms do noroviruses cause?
Noroviruses cause gastrointestinal flu (gastroenteritis). Severe vomiting and severe diarrhea are typical. Since fluid is also vomited again, there is a risk of a significant fluid deficit. In addition, you feel nauseous and weak and may suffer from stomach pain, headaches and muscle aches. A slight fever is also possible.
For most people, diarrhea with vomiting is extremely unpleasant, but harmless. After two days, the individual but very serious symptoms usually pass. Even if the symptoms are severe, there is no need to worry about the long-term consequences of an infection.
For whom can norovirus be dangerous?
The danger of vomiting and diarrhea is the loss of fluids. Young children and the elderly, in particular, dry out very quickly. In extreme cases, they have to go to the hospital under drip. Therefore, you should seek medical advice in a timely manner for such patients.
Drinking water, increased hygiene and bed rest are the only things you can do if you catch norovirus. There are no medicines! It is important to make up for lost fluids and electrolytes – if in doubt, go to the hospital.
How long have you been contagious?
What many people don’t realize is that even when acute symptoms subside, patients continue to excrete the virus. Studies have shown “that the virus can usually be excreted in the stool for 7 to 14 days, but in exceptional cases even for weeks after an acute illness,” the RKI writes.
The risk of infection remains for longer, so careful sanitation and hand hygiene remain important. Another reason is that the virus is very robust and survives on doorknobs and toilet bowls for several days.
How can you prevent norovirus infection?
1. Pay attention to hygiene and wash your hands!
Only hygiene offers a certain level of protection against norovirus: after each use of the toilet, especially in public toilets, after each purchase and after journeys on public transport, the following applies: wash your hands thoroughly – with warm water and soap.
2. In case of direct contact with a sick person: disinfect
If you come into contact with vomit or feces from a sick person, use additional disinfectant when washing your hands. Important: It must also be effective against viruses.
3. Wash sick people’s clothes in hot water
Do not share the patient’s towels and washcloths. Wash them at 60-95 degrees with a strong detergent. This also applies to the patient’s bedding and clothing.
4. If there is a norovirus infection in the house: disinfect the bathroom
The bathroom should be disinfected if a sick person has used it. If possible, healthy family members should use a different bathroom – even if the sick person no longer has symptoms.
5. Protection against infections during cleaning
If someone is sick and has used the bathroom and toilet, thoroughly clean door handles, sink, toilet and floor with rubber gloves and a face mask – use disposable wipes, otherwise viruses will spread freely via cleaning cloths.
6. Avoid contact with the sick person if possible.
In addition to the caregiver, other family members should have as little contact with the sick person as possible. Elderly people and children are particularly at risk.
7. Don’t cook for others!
People infected with norovirus should not prepare food for others.