Nursing Home Costs: Here’s How You Can Save Money When You’re Away

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Written By Kampretz Bianca

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Find out how you can reduce your accommodation allowance if you are away for a long period of time – for example due to a hospital stay, visiting family or on holiday.

The essentials in summary:

  • If you, as a person in need of care, are not at home for a certain period of time, you are entitled to a reduction in costs. From the 4th full day of absence, the home operator must reduce the rate for accommodation, food and care.
  • For beneficiaries of nursing care insurance benefits, the state level regulates the percentage of salary reduction in case of absence. The minimum is 25 percent.
  • As a self-payer at a healthcare facility, you must protect yourself contractually and establish written absence regulations.

Cost savings from the 4th day of absence

There are situations in which people who require care do not reside in a nursing home for a certain period of time. These can be good reasons: for example, summer holidays at the seaside or visiting family at Christmas. In many other cases, absence is necessary for health reasons – such as hospital admission or rehabilitation.

A day is only considered a day of absence if you do not live in the house 24 hours a day. For example, if a resident is taken to the hospital at 2am on April 1st, April 1st will be the day of care. If you more than 3 full days in a row If you do not live in the nursing home, the nursing home operator must do so Reduce household wages. Because your absence saves him money. The nursing home operator must pass these cost savings – at least in part – on to you.

If you are away for a short period (up to 3 days) you should expect this pay the full price, even if you do not use certain services. This applies to both self-payers and residents using benefits from long-term care insurance or a foster care provider.

Right to residence in case of absence

If you live in a nursing home and receive benefits from the nursing care fund or a social care provider, the nursing home company must provide your space for you 42 days a year stay free. This period is extended by the days you spend in the hospital or a rehabilitation facility. Or put another way: you can leave the nursing home a maximum of 42 days a year to go on vacation or visit your family without losing your right to your place in the house.

You will get these costs back if you are absent from the nursing home

If you receive benefits from the nursing care insurance fund or a social care provider and absent for more than 3 days the nursing home operator must at least 25 percent of the costs for accommodation, food and care and, if necessary, for supplements for integrated care. This is the legal lower limit.

You may be reimbursed for more costs. The percentage that applies to you depends on the state in which you live. The specific number is agreed between nursing care insurance associations and entrepreneurs in a framework agreement at state level. You can find out from your nursing care insurer what percentage applies to you. You also have the right to have the nursing home operator present you with the currently valid framework agreement.

If the nursing home invoices at the end of each month, the invoice can be created taking absence times into account. Nursing homes usually issue a bill for the following month at the beginning of the month. If there are periods of absence, residents must have a Credit received. These credits are often difficult to understand. It makes sense to check them carefully or have them explained to you.

Investment costs will not be reimbursed

The amount you pay the care provider each month is made up of several items. Care, accommodation and food, for example, are part of the house payment. Furthermore, you are in Investment costs involved. These are costs that the domestic operator incurs, among other things, for necessary renovation and maintenance measures.

As the company has no savings in these expenses due to your absence, you will have to cover this part of the house allowance As a rule, continue paying in full.

In this article you will find more information about the costs you will incur in a nursing home.

Self-payers must have contractual arrangements for absence

Do you not receive any benefits from the nursing care insurance fund or a social care provider and live in a nursing facility as a self-payer? Make sure your contract contains a specific fixed amount or percentage by which payment will be reduced in the event of absence.

It should also be noted how long the operator must keep the premises free for you if you are absent.

These points are not regulated by law. A contractual agreement prevents you from having a protracted dispute with your home carrier if the worst happens.

Household costs in case of permanent absence

There are cases where residents do not return. For example, if they die after a hospital stay. Find out what steps you should take as a relative in the linked article.

Another case is when you decide to move house. How you do it? Terminate your home contract and how long you have to pay for the house can be found in the linked article.

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