Slipper wallet: investing money with financial test

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Written By Kampretz Bianca

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The flip-flop portfolio is a lifetime investment concept. Whether with 50 euros per month or 50,000 euros in one go: with Finanztest’s investment strategy, investors can save for different goals. Flip-flops portfolio because it is very easy to implement. It consists of a return component and a security component, which can be mixed differently depending on your risk tolerance. And despite being so convenient, it brings considerable returns.

Two building blocks are completely sufficient

The slipper portfolio is made up of two parts, a return component with equity funds and a bond component with interest investments. The simplest version of the slipper portfolio has an ETF as the first foundation MSCI World, the most common global stock index. It includes around 1,500 stocks from 23 industrialized countries. There are matching ETFs from several providers. In this special, we show which ETFs are suitable – both classic and sustainable.

The second component is a daily monetary account or a combination of daily It is Fixed deposit. It also fits into an ETF that is in safe European government bonds or one Mix of government and corporate bonds invested.

Tip: If you wish, you can supplement the flip-flops portfolio with additions such as ETF DAX, Dividend ETF or Gold. More on the simple rules below Investing with strength – ten additives in the test.

The flip-flop portfolio: successful for over 30 years

The chart shows how a balanced portfolio with a world stock ETF and overnight cash would have developed over a 30-year period. Note: We launched the flip-flop portfolio in the spring of 2013. Performance data from before that time has been recalculated.

Three variants – depending on the type of risk

The combination of return and security components depends on the type of risk. Cautious investors choose more interest-bearing investments than stocks, while risk-takers rely mainly on stocks. In our opinion, a balanced portfolio with half equity funds and half interest products is suitable for most people.

Why our “flip-flops portfolio” study is worth it for you

Tips for getting started

In this special you will learn step by step which portfolio is ideal for you and how to put it together.


With our graphs and tables you can see how the slippers are performing. We show the current returns on savings plans and one-off investments every month.

Buying Tips

We show you which ETFs are suitable and how you can build your flip flop portfolio easily and cheaply. You can also buy sustainable ETF for this.


You read how to monitor your investments. We explain when you should adjust your portfolio during the savings phase and how to do so. A calculator will help you with this.

Magazine article in PDF

After activation, you will be able to read Finanztest articles about the flip-flop portfolio.

Invest money with a financial test
The flip-flop portfolio – comfortable and successful


Almost always fits: the balanced version

© Getty Images / Westend61 / Eloisa Ramos, Stiftung Warentest (M)

In our opinion, a balanced portfolio that contains half equity funds and half interest products is suitable for most investors. It is not very risky and still offers decent return opportunities. The average return over the last three decades has been a good 5% per year. The worst return in a year was a loss of about 20%.

For those who like risk: The offensive variant

Invest money with Finanztest - The flip-flop portfolio – convenient and successful

© Getty Images / Westend61 / Eloisa Ramos, Stiftung Warentest (M)

Significantly higher returns can be achieved with equity funds than with them alone daily or Fixed deposit. On average, returns of between 6 and 8 percent per year have been possible in the global stock market over the past few decades. With the flip flop offensive portfolio, investors mainly focus on stocks: the proportion of equity funds in the portfolio is 75%. Only 25% of money flows into interest-bearing investments.

For the cautious: the defensive variant

Invest money with Finanztest - The flip-flop portfolio – convenient and successful

© Getty Images / Westend61 / Eloisa Ramos, Stiftung Warentest (M)

Slipper portfolios are subject to stock market fluctuations. The greater the equity stake, the greater the ups and downs can be. In other words: there may also be years that end in losses. For investors who want to keep fluctuations in their investments as low as possible, the defensive variant of the slipper with an equity stake of 25 percent is most suitable. 75 percent of money flows into secure interest-bearing investments. Unfortunately, the slipper portfolio is not recommended for those who cannot deal with temporary losses.

Open a wallet, buy an ETF, build daily cash

The slipper portfolio is recommended for one-off investments of larger amounts, as well as for savings plans with monthly deposits. For the World Equity Funds and possibly the European Pension Fund investors need Securities depository. We explain the necessary steps and show in a clear table which ETFs are suitable – in the classic version or the sustainable version.

Comfortable and suitable for all investors

The slipper portfolio is called that because it is very comfortable. Once configured, it hardly requires work. Investors do not need to be familiar with the current state of the stock market, companies or corporate numbers. Once you select an ETF, you can hold it permanently. Even daily money does not need to be renewed constantly. However, it is important to occasionally adjust the layout of individual building blocks to the originally desired state. You’ll also discover everything you need to know when you activate the special.

One concept – many objectives

Whether as an additional retirement provision, as a foundation for later real estate financing, to invest money from an inheritance or simply to start saving. The slipper portfolio is suitable for many purposes. If you don’t want it to be a draw for life – it is also suitable as a life companion to fulfill your desires from time to time. You can start at any time.

Invest money with a financial test
The flip-flop portfolio – comfortable and successful


Book tip: The financial testing strategy

Invest money with Finanztest - The flip-flop portfolio – convenient and successful

© Stiftung Warentest

The book is available for beginners who want to delve deeper into the flip-flop portfolio The Finanztest strategy – comfortably invest money in ETFs with our flip-flop portfolio. Financial testing experts show step by step how investors can build their wealth and clarify all practical issues, such as choosing the right bank, what taxes are owed and how to select ETFs suitable for the strategy.

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