Climate change is bringing more hot days. This causes problems for our kidneys. Drink plenty, control your weight, exercise – this helps prevent kidney failure.
The sun is shining, every movement causes sweat to pour out of the pores – days with temperatures above 30 degrees Celsius are increasing in Germany. They overload the body and literally affect the kidneys, which, among other things, regulate the organs’ fluid needs. The kidneys need water for this. If we sweat more than we drink, at some point our kidneys won’t be able to keep up.
There is a risk of kidney failure, also known as kidney weakness: urine production decreases, waste products and toxins are not excreted sufficiently and accumulate in the blood. This can affect both the elderly and healthy young people. How do you know if your kidneys are suffering? How can I counteract kidney weakness? For whom are potassium-rich foods a problem? We clarify.
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