The Left wants a “return offensive” against nursing staff

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Written By Kampretz Bianca

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/ alliance image, epd image, Werner Krueper

Berlin – Given the serious shortage of nursing staff, the Left Party called on the federal government to launch a “return offensive” in order to win back departed employees.

According to studies, 300,000 additional full-time nursing positions would be possible “through returning to work or increasing working hours”, left-wing leader Janine Wissler said on International Nurses Day yesterday. To achieve this, the federal government must make the nursing profession more attractive and support offers of four-day weekly shifts with salary compensation.

“More than 60 percent of nursing staff do not work full time (…) because the work is too stressful and there are no child care options,” said Wissler. “Many have left their jobs or are working part-time because working conditions are unbearable.” Wissler spoke of a “vicious circle”: “Too much stress due to few employees – that’s why people leave and the stress increases even more. ”

Specifically, the Left Party calls on the federal government to financially support projects to gradually introduce the four-day week. The party estimated the costs at around 8.5 billion euros.

Furthermore, the left believes it is necessary to abolish pensions at age 67 for carers. Given the arduous physical work, many cannot even do the work until they are 63, the party said. What is therefore needed is an earlier “deduction-free retirement”.

The party also explained that “it is necessary to provide urgent help to family caregivers through more places in preventive and short-term care”. The care allowance should be increased by 20 percent because home care has become “a poverty trap” due to inflation. © afp/

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