Waxing: five ways to have smooth legs

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Written By Kampretz Bianca

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Laser. It attacks the hair roots so that they do not produce new hair for a long time. © Getty Images / Andrey Popov, Thinkstock (M)

If you want to have a long period of peace and quiet, you might consider permanent hair removal with a laser or flash lamp (IPL, Intense Pulsed Light) – in the studio or at your dermatologist. There are now home devices on the market as well. Both can cost hundreds of euros.

Hair roots attacked. The specialist’s laser works with light at a special wavelength, which reaches the hair root through the hair’s melanin and severely attacks it. This means that it will not be able to produce new hair for a long time. Flash lamps work with short, intense pulses of light. Things are similar with home devices, but the impulses are weaker.

Decreased hair growth. After a few sessions with a professional, your hair will not grow back for up to six months. Multiple treatments are necessary because not all hairs can be captured immediately. For long-term success, home devices need to be used at shorter intervals initially. The same applies to both: over time, less hair grows back. But no one should expect too much: a reduction in hair growth may be achieved, but not a general lack of new hair. Scientific evidence on the effectiveness of home devices is incomplete.

Not for everyone. The ideal combination for a treatment is fair skin and dark hair. Very blond or gray hair cannot be removed with this method because it does not contain the pigment melanin.

Shave before treatment. During the treatment, pulses of light reach the hair root through melanin, the hair color. This will destroy you. If the hair is not shaved, the roots do not absorb light. This can cause pain during treatment and burn the surface of the hair.

Not usable everywhere. Users should focus: they should avoid blemishes, freckles, tattoos and piercings during treatment.

Know the risks. The method is not without risks. Although the light pulses from home devices are smaller than those from professional devices in the studio or at the dermatologist, careless or improper use can result in burns and skin discoloration. So make sure you follow the instructions. Furthermore, there is no specialized diagnosis when it comes to self-hair removal. A doctor can assess whether spots or marks are against the laser. You will be safe if a specialist performs the waxing. Since this year it has been written new regulation on radiation protection provides proof of experience for all professional users, for example through training.

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